Karen's Story

I hope this email finds you and you family safe and healthy.  The new COVID environment has been challenging for us as a small business like so many others around the country.  In March we closed our old location.  During that time we were shocked to find out I have breast cancer. We had to do some real soul searching to determine the fate of our business.  We are excited to announce we are moving forward with our new American Ninja Warrior gym.  I’ve started at home chemo treatment and am fighting to beat this thing.

We believe it is important to support our community! The last two years we have been privileged to build courses for and work with autistic  kids and adults, which has been so rewarding and such a life lesson on overcoming life’s obstacles.  My breast cancer diagnosis has led us to a new calling and a new purpose. Currently there is no cure for the type of breast cancer I have, only treatment.  Research shows exercise has a huge impact on overcoming this disease! It has made me feel strong and healthy and given me the mindset to overcome this real-life obstacle.  If you or someone you love is fighting breast cancer, we are happily offering a free membership to our gym.

 Update: In September of 2023 I was admitted into the hospital for heart issues and anemia.  During that time we were shocked to hear my first line of treatment failed and my cancer has progressed. Praying that my new treatment will stop the progression and my heart issues can be resolved.  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!

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